Monday, December 6, 2010

What Drives us to want Relationships?

Throughout history, relationships of all kinds have been important to not only our expanding world, but our inner selves. What drives both men and women to want these relationships though, all stems from the very way we were raised. At one point in history, when religion became more prevalent in government affairs, the rules of engagement were also constructed. You must understand that although the institution of marriage is not a new idea, at one point, most were not completely concerned with it.

In the 1800’s America itself was host to some of the world’s craziest brothels, and some of the world’s craziest whores. There was one woman who was said to be so skilled in fellatio, that if she didn’t bring you to the Promised Land in a minute or less… you got your money back! Imagine for a minute just how SICK her head game must have been. Men travelled from all across the land to see her!

In the olden days, women were more in control of their sexualities. They knew what they were worth and what they possessed! Many took to the life as a courtesan because married life seemed rather dreary. As a courtesan, the world was her oyster. She could do as she wished. Now, in the early 1900’s there was a wave of fear that swept the nation and sex became a very shameful thing. Even masturbation was said to make you crazy. This has filtered through to our modern days.

This was truly when religion became the front runner, and many things changed in the way we view sexuality and ourselves. I began this with a bit of a sexuality lesson mainly because sexuality is at the very root of it all. It is one of our most basic needs and it is innate! Sexuality, believe it or not is the driving force behind many issues faced today in relationships.

Now… what exactly drives men/women to extend themselves to want relationships? First of all, it ALL begins when we are children. Personally, I am the oldest of four children, but what is worse is that I am the oldest AND the only girl. I remember growing up and always being told that my virginity should be kept intact until marriage. That is was very special and that I should only do it with someone I loved. I got told this all while growing up, right up until puberty.

That was when my Daddy sat me down and gave me the realest talk ever. I will never forget. He told me, sex was very natural and that my hormones would be raging. He said, he would like it if I waited until I was older, and felt ready… but that he understood that things happen and with or without his consent… I would do it whenever the hell I wanted. He then proceeded to tell me all about STDs and more importantly protection. “Do what u want, but don’t come home pregnant. I don’t want no grandbabies.” I’ll never forget.

On the contrary though, my brothers were taught right from the start that they should run through every bitch that offers the pussy. No rules, no regard. I was the oldest, yet anytime a love scene in a movie happened, I had to shut my eyes and they got to watch. They were taught to sow their wild oats! They weren’t taught that if they wanted to have sex, they should be in a committed relationship… They were taught that if they wanted sex, they should lie, cheat and steal in the pursuit of pussy!

THAT in essence is the reason why women are so driven to want a relationship. Hormonally speaking, it is true that most normal women do not want the physical aspect of sex the way men do. What women yearn for instead is the intimacy felt while in the act. Many normal women want intimacy more than anything. Women want relationships because they are TAUGHT to want them. Many feel that they can’t have sex with a man they don’t love or feel for. THIS stems from childhood when we are taught all that bullshit about only having sex with men we love and/or are married to. It is drilled in our heads, and as adults, many women take those lessons with them and never make it outside the box.

You see, it is not that women don’t want sex. Women want sex too, and some just as much as men. BUT, for most women, it is hard for them to have sex outside of a relationship because of how they were raised. THIS is why women yearn for relationships… They feel that is the only way they can even fuck! So sad.

Men on the other hand are raised for the most part to be providers and protectors. Their main goal in life is to reach success in their eyes. Most men feel that they can’t be in a serious relationship until they have either reached that goal or are well on their way there. Men have sex purely to serve their physical needs. They aren’t driven to want relationships the way women do.

A fantastic book of reference for you women would be Steve Harvey’s “Think Like a Man, Act Like a Lady”. Seriously, it’s probably one of the only books I’ve read written by a man that was pretty much dead on with just about everything. He breaks down exactly what drives men and what they want. I’ll tell you one thing though, as I’ve said before, most men under the age of 25 are NOT seeking commitment. They are seeking careers, prestige and good pussy.

In today’s modern world with all that Independent women shit, guess what most women should ALSO be after… Careers, prestige and good dick. That’s a problem for most women mainly because they feel they need relationships to have sex. But TRUST, ya bitches got the game twisted! I see so many women complaining about their sex lives, or lack thereof… BUT seriously, the ONLY one who is getting in the way of YOU fucking… is YOU!

See while men are driven to want sex, and only commit once they are happy with themselves in life… women are driven to want relationships right off the bat! They equate that their sexualities and needs can only be met while in a relationship. SO… THIS is why women want them so bad! It is why they yearn for them. It is why she will fuck around and make you wait, or why she’ll be stuck on you once you do fuck. She was programmed that way!

Ladies… take a good look at yourself. Take a good look at your lives. Take a good look at YOUR wants, YOUR needs, YOUR desires. We are on the verge of 2011. IF you want to fuck, then like Nike, Just Do It! The only one who is holding you back from satisfaction, is you. You let your emotions and fears dictate your actions, and because of this, you will almost always feel as if you’ve lost. You will feel used and sometimes abused.

It is time to change the way you FEEL and they way you THINK of yourselves. Make decisions because of what YOU want, not what you have been told you SHOULD want. Think for yourself! Really, I want EVERY woman who reads this to take a GOOD look at themselves and how they lead their lives. Are you depriving yourself of your most innate needs? Probably.

To conclude, men will be men, but women will be women. What drives us to do many things in life stems from society’s standards in correlation with our upbringing. In order to understand ourselves better and what exactly is driving us takes some time and self evaluating. But, this much is true, men will ONLY settle once they are happy with themselves and women will ALWAYS settle just so they can get laid. Yea, that’s a damn shame… but nonetheless, it is the TRUTH! Until women can think and fuck outside the box, they will forever more be miserable bitches who get no dick.

MODERN DATING: Alpha's, Submissives and Everyone Else

We live in quite a society, and as products of our environments, society has molded most of us well. Now in the world at large, there are certain things that are forever more constant- the dating scene is no exception. There are certain categories that people fall into, and the broader categories are the Alpha’s, the Submissive’s and then Everyone Else. We will explore and examine how each of these categories effect each other and how they relate and get along in the dating world.

[Please also note: This perspective, and entire series was written from an Urban stand point. These things only really occur in urban society where dating has certainly evolved into some other shit. When I looked at different socio-economic levels, what I realized was shocking to me. ONLY people in the “hood” have a problem with dating. They have communication problems, they have power and control struggles. ONLY people in the hood don’t know the difference between “dating” and “going out”.

In fact, most people in the hood, don’t date at all. There is NO courting, they don’t get to know someone before they settle down with them, or fuck them for that matter. Most have reached their 20’s, never even knowing what a real date consist of. The struggle over Gold Diggers and Independent women is also prevalent, for in other socio-economic classes, this isn’t a factor. Which leads me to believe that low-income cities and hoods around the world, have evolved the dating scene to adequately match their life situations.]

Well, now that we have broken the dating population down into categories, I will try to explain how each one of these parties goes about in the dating scene. I will also try to explain what works well with one another and what doesn’t and why. It can be tedious, but I’m going to try to cover it all in as little time as possible.

Everyone Else Explained

Everyone else is about 70% of the population. Sure, Everyone Else is what we in society would deem as “normal”. They are the typical run of the mill types of people. Everyone Else can be broken down into sub-categories, depending on how far along you have come mentally and psychologically. There is a straight correlation between the levels of ignorance and how “normal” or typical you are as a person. The more you know- about yourself and the world around you, the closer you are to becoming an Alpha.

What I mean, is that the more ignorant and oblivious you are as to the real world and how it works, the more typical and predictable you are as a person. You fall in line with stereo-types and you keep them alive. Most people are so predictable, it hurts me to even have to watch them, but I digress. For Everyone Else, the farther away you are from Enlightment, the more typical you are as a person. This runs, holds true, and will forever more be a constant- I have researched this.

Universal Constants are what I like to call occurrences that are forever more, just that- constant. What I learned is that people in the Everyone Else and Submissive categories are products of these constants. An Alpha is a lot harder to read into and predict their movements- depending on how far they are in their journey of life. One thing that holds true though is that there are certain types of people, who fall into many different categories. The important part though, is that any two different people, within the same category, will ALWAYS react the same way. This is what a constant is.

People in the EE/Submissive categories fit into this nicely. It is because of their categories that I could predict their movements and reactions to situations. To break it down a bit further, through observing people, I have learned that people who share common characteristics, will act the same way. These could be two very different people on the outside, but because of their common traits, they will ALWAYS react the same way or do the same thing in life. This is what is a Universal Constant and because of this, I can predict peoples movements and gestures, way before anything even pops off.

If I could break down the subcategories of people in the EE category, I’d do so in the following fashion- high, middle and low. People in the high category are closer to an Alpha. People in the middle would be your average Joe type of person, who is not entirely ignorant to things- but they rarely think about it. The people in the low category, are people who are completely oblivious to the real world and how it works.

-Everyone Else vs. Everyone Else

Now for Everyone Else. We will start with them, for they are the majority of the population. Everyone is typical, right? So that means that, for my peers- most of the women, are trying to control the situation and most of the men, really just want a good friend and regular pussy. They are ALL about the games. It’s all cat and mouse, and guess what? Usually the woman wins… Remember PUSSY=POWER.

The “normal” women exhibit their typical crazy bitch traits- impulsiveness and being irrational as all hell. Many use their pussies as leverage to get what they want. Most of them really have self-esteem and self-image problems, but many don’t know it. Many of them don’t think highly of themselves and don’t think they deserve better. Many of them are sexually oppressed.

The “normal” men exhibit their lying ass horn dog traits- in a constant conquest for pussy. Many of them lie and front to get what they want. Many of them ONLY want to have sex and be cool with a chick, with no strings attached. Many of them are trapped into relationships by women- only because its constant pussy that he wasn’t getting before. Many of them really don’t want relationships, but most don’t know it.

When these two types of people get together, you can ALWAYS expect drama to proceed. This is mainly because it is always a constant struggle of power with these two. If the woman holds the power, chances are, the man will start to resent her and all her crazy ass traits. If the man holds the power, chances are he’s cheating and the woman will stay, only making herself more miserable in the end- wasting her youth and time on a man of no substance. The only time there is no drama, is when both parties are open and honest with themselves and each other. Any time your relationship becomes a power struggle- it is doomed to fail. THIS IS A UNIVERSAL CONSTANT!

-Everyone Else vs. Alpha’s

When someone of the Everyone Else variety dates an Alpha, one thing is certain. They are almost always dominated easily. EE falls for the charms of an Alpha quickly. Sometimes it gets to the point where an EE would do anything and everything in their power to satisfy their Alpha- even if it makes them unhappy doing so. Some sacrifice their dignity, power and forget their self worth when they get with an Alpha. They almost lose themselves completely in that other person.

This relationship is almost always doomed to fail. This is because any self respecting Alpha will tire of an EE. EE will bend backwards to make an Alpha happy, and lose their backbone- always giving in. This will eventually bore an Alpha and will infuriate most. Most Alpha’s don’t want someone who always agrees, they want someone who challenges them. For this reason, in most cases, this relationship won’t work. It ONLY does under one circumstance, that I will explain later.

Submissives Explained

Now the Submissive’s are the bottom of the barrel. These are the people who are the doormat’s of the world. Many are masochist but many more aren't- but most love to be miserable. These are the people that stay in fucked up situations and relationships. Most normal people look at these people, like, WTF is wrong with you? Why would you put up or deal with that? Well, the plain explanation for this, is that many of these people have deep rooted psychological problems.

Moreover, many of these people tend to have mommy/daddy issues. Many enjoy being dominated, humiliated and taken advantage of. Most complain about it, and never change what is going on. This is because they secretly like it. They may not even be aware of it either. Honestly, most people in this world don’t think about what they are doing or why they are doing it. Most people get caught in the daily rat race and most never sit down to think about what it is THEY really want. Not what society tells you that you should want, but what YOU really want.

Submissives vs. Everyone Else/Alpha’s

While most Alpha’s won’t dare date a submissive, people who fall in the Everyone Else category know that it is not beneath them. The thing with submissive’s though is that they can be dominated by anyone. It’s what they want and what they get off on. They desire to be obedient and subservient to someone. It is true to say that most suffer from deep emotional or psychological problems. They have issues that stem from their childhood and/or adolescence, and as adults- it all shows.

The people who would deal with a submissive, of course, are from the sadist variety. They are dominating individuals. Do not get this confused with an Alpha though. While an Alpha has dominating characteristics, it is natural, and something they do not work on, or are in control of most of the time. They do not necessarily take joy in dominating another. A sadist on the other hand, seeks weak people to dominate, and they get off on it!

Alpha’s Explained

What makes an Alpha though, has NOTHING to do with looks and everything to do with CONFIDENCE! Alpha’s may or may not suffer from self-image issues in certain other areas of their lives, but one thing is for sure, when it comes to dating or anything else they want bad enough- they KNOW they got it. This is mainly because while other people dream of things, an Alpha goes for the chase and pursues theirs. For this reason, an Alpha is almost always successful in life.

The thing with an Alpha is that many of them have dominating characteristics. They dominate people and situations easily. An Alpha is the REALIST of the bunch, for they know and understand how things work, without having to play games to get what they want. Many of them are seen as reckless, the way they talk to people and get away with it, but most of the time, it’s always real and straight to the point… No salt… No lime… No chaser.

Some people are natural born Alpha’s, but most develop later on in life. An Alpha embodies swagger… as if they needed it though, their confidence alone speaks for itself. The Alpha’s are like no other, for they have been on their journey of self discovery. They know who they are in the world, and exactly what they want out of life. If we lived in the animal kingdom, an Alpha would be the mighty lion, King of the jungle.

Being that an Alpha rules the jungle, it is only right to know that an Alpha is impervious to the power of pussy or dick, for that matter. Where Everyone Else and Submissive’s get caught up- an Alpha would never. This is the only time that a female can’t control the situation with the power of her pussy. This is also the only time that a man can’t control a female with beating it out the frame. Seriously, the main reason for this is because an Alpha already gets play like no other. Men get panties thrown at them, women get men beating down doors in an effort to get at her. Alpha’s NEVER have to work hard to get sex, so as a result, they don’t obsess about it the way that Everyone Else does.

In the dating world, this means that tactics used by Everyone Else, doesn’t work on an Alpha. A woman can’t use the “power of pussy” to get an Alpha male under control. See a male who falls under EE, would jump at that situation, only because he isn’t normally getting laid. An Alpha male though, can have pussy whenever he wants it- so you trying to control him with that, will only piss him off- especially when he can get pussy anywhere. For men who try to tame an Alpha female, and try to beat her shit off the hinges, this will also not work. An Alpha female, is secure in herself and knows that at the end of the day, she can have almost any man she wants. She isn’t going to let a little thing like dick fuck her head up. A female of the EE variety would be trapped by some great dick. She would be so trapped, that her man could do or say almost anything and all is forgiven, JUST because he had good dick. An Alpha female is the Queen of her domain, she runs shit and would never let dick stray her from her path.

In the dating world, this is probably the first thing I noticed about an Alpha. It is something they have that no one else has. That confidence and the means to rule. They don’t let anyone else run them, but they will compromise when needed. The main reason an Alpha is like this though, stems from their ambitions in life. They have mastered emotional detachment and can easily remove themselves from people and situations. This is because, they know that although relationships are good and dandy- if they ever want to achieve their goals, they cannot invest their emotions and time into others. This would only take away from what they are trying to achieve for themselves and in the mind of an Alpha, no one but themselves come first. THIS is what sets apart an Alpha from anyone else in the world.

Alpha vs. Alpha

When two Alpha’s get together, things can go one of two ways (depending on their personalities)- they will either bump heads endlessly or they will mesh perfectly. There is no in between and middle ground when two Alpha’s get together- it is always either one way or the other. Two Alpha’s who bump heads do so mainly because one of them or both for that matter, have a hard time letting go of the reigns a bit and compromising. If they can learn to do this, it just may work. Each has to learn though how to first, keep their dominating traits at bay in an effort to compromise with one another.

Two Alpha’s that mesh perfectly though, have the best type of relationship. They communicate effectively and most importantly, games are not played, for they are beyond them. Both are open and honest at all times and most importantly, they don’t let their emotions get in the way of the truth. This is never a problem, for their other half handles the truth gracefully at all times and things are debated- not argued. Seriously though, unless an Alpha exhibits sadist traits, and Alpha will ONLY ever be happy with another Alpha- for no one else could understand or come close to comprehending where our mentalities lie.

Alpha vs. Everyone Else/Submissive’s

An Alpha who deals with a Submissive is a sadist. They enjoy dominating others. This is what they get off on. Like I said before though, although an Alpha naturally dominates people and situations, most don’t want to and most can’t control that from happening- it just happens. This is the main reason that an Alpha will bore and tire, when dealing with anyone who isn’t an Alpha.

People on the Everyone Else tier are a bit different. Some may try their power and control tactics, not knowing who they are dealing with. In most cases this will irritate an Alpha, and if you caught the Alpha while bored, you’ll probably get played and toyed with like a mouse between the paws of the mighty lion. Alpha’s don’t like, nor do they play games of their own, yet they are not above being a player in your game- just know that they will always be victorious.

When an Alpha deals with these types of people, under normal circumstances it will not work. This is because an Alpha seeks a challenge. People in an EE/Sub category are dominated easily, and are easily swayed. You can get them to do just about anything for you, and while some Alpha’s may enjoy this power, most tire of it and want a challenge instead. They do not want someone who is going to agree with everything they say or do. They do not want someone who will compromise themselves and beliefs, which is what will normally happen in these situations.

A self respecting Alpha wants someone who compliments them and this is often not found with an EE/Sub. This should be a warning to those of you in the EE/Sub category though because there are some Alpha’s who are assholes, who do not possess morals or values. We are not all cut from the same cloth and if you are not careful, an Alpha could very well eat you alive and you will be rendered powerless and trapped. At this point, no one could free you, but yourself, yet an Alpha is so keen on things, they will have broken your spirit well before you are fed up enough to try to leave. Evil in this world does exist everywhere- and we should never forget that.

So… In conclusion, we live in a society that has evolved over time. I wouldn’t say its been a good evolution either, in fact, in many ways it has hindered us in this society. If we can’t mate properly, what does that say about us or our children for that matter. Yes, I believe it is way deeper than what I have already expressed to all of you. This series focused on the modern dating of our times, written from an urban point of view, yet after observing people from other socio-economic levels I realized so much about the people of the hood.

We are going about doing things the WRONG way. We don’t even date… or court for that matter. In other places, people date for months on end before becoming exclusive and then finally being a “boyfriend/girlfriend”. Sure some of em may fuck, but they go about doing things the right way in their ways of dating. In the hood dating is almost non-existent and I know way too many people who have never been on or have any idea what happens on one.

This shouldn’t discourage any of us though, because like I said, not everyone is cut from the same clothe. Not everyone is on the bullshit, and some people actually think about deeper things than JUST what is on the surface. It is up to each individual to get to their rightful places in life. The beautiful thing about this though is that we have room to grow and expand. People who are Subs and EE can evolve into an Alpha. An Alpha will only get more fiercer in time though, sharpening their skills and taking no prisoners as they climb up the ladder to success.

People are different, yet the same in so many ways. This is how Universal Constants are able to exist. This is how I am able to predict the movements of most and most people are not even aware of this. Yet we are different in ways and we each belong to our respectful categories and subcategories. How we date within these categories, are usually one in the same. Depending on our personalities, things may work out differently when dating across different categories.

Our personalities and character traits are what make us, not what category we fall under in the dating world. Everything changes day to day, people and places evolve- this much is only natural and it should occur, as long as these changes are positive. These changes come from within and only come with the realization that we each will face in life. If we evolve, we are only one step closer to knowing who we are, and it turn understanding each other. If we don’t, we are at a steady pace in limbo… stuck in the matrix. The choice is yours to make, when you are ready.

MODERN DATING: The Dudes Edition

Modern dating from a man’s perspective of course, is naturally next. We will explore the depths of the male mind, see what makes them tick and break down my theories on them. Of course they can only be theories taken from observations and research, for I am not a man myself, so although I’ll never purely know what it’s like, I can sympathize enormously… 70% of my mentality is Dude.

Men… Mostly seen as a bed of nails. Hard. Tough. Sometimes, it’s even hard for me, and I too forget that men have real feelings as well. Although, from the time they are born, most men are taught to bottle their emotions. “Boys don’t cry”, is the common phrase, uttered by many parents in hopes of toughening up their sons. But, alas, boys DO cry. They just don’t usually let anyone see them when they do so.

Yes. Men have feelings too. Yet, the difference between men and women is that men not only internalize their feelings, their mental processes are different. When a man is normally hit with some crazy or bad news, he emotionally shuts down in an effort to sort his feelings. Women on the other hand, externalize everything and then some.

It is true that there are many men out there who are also disillusioned into believing they want something, when it is merely what society states he should want. Men can be just as confused as women when it comes to properly trying to pick a mate. But the main issue is WHEN he will be able to actually pick a mate. For you see, I don’t necessarily think MOST men actually want relationships- many just don’t know it but I have theories as to why they may do certain things.

You see the biology of a man is very different from that of a woman’s, and this includes everything from the way we perceive things, talk, our sexuality, our chemical processes… everything. Men, are in their primes early during puberty… Usually from ages 18-25… Women on the other hand don’t reach their sexual peaks until their 30’s-40’s. Now the thing with young men, is, I REALLY believe the majority of them do not want actual relationships.

Dating for men is way different than it is for women. Even growing up, a man is taught that his goal in life is to acquire status and fortunes. That is what every good man strives for- success. Now when it comes to dating, especially during the college years, I believe the reason why most relationships do not work out, is because how they came about.

Men are fairly simple creatures. They want good company and conversation, they want someone they can really be their TRUE selves around, they want a woman who will feed them and rock their worlds in the sack. Simple enough, but it’s usually never accomplished, because most of them can NEVER be their true selves around their women. And most of them resent the fact that they can’t do so.

Most men feel inadequate in this world. Which is why they lie about their status, how much they make, where they work and the such. The media, society and women do not make it any better. It’s hard out there for a Pimp! Lol… With all the images of dudes ballin out with hella hoes all over the tv screen, men in turn realize that the fastest way to get women, is to ball out. And they are right, some women are so shallow, all it takes it a dude with a nice car and clothes, and she’s dick ridin him hella hard!

What they do not realize though, is that those types of women, are truly the ones you should stay away from, because in essence, she’s with you for what you have- not who you are. This is the main way that men in turn, constantly feel used by women but like I always say- STOP trying to play Captain Save a Hoe to hoes that don’t wanna be saved. We also have loads of women who will verbalize and are very vocal about being with broke busters, so as a man, he has to step it up and he realizes that in order to get women, he must either acquire status… or lie about it. Which usually works!

Now, most men get caught up in the PUSSY=POWER extravaganza, only because they are thirsty, regular or Submissive males. An Alpha male, NEVER gets caught up, because there are no games. When dating, as a man, you usually have to pick a place, pay for it and entertain your chick. You also have to listen attentively and offer your two cents when it is asked of you. Now if you actually like this girl and want to really be with her, that is all fine and dandy. But I believe most of the men who are my peers, are not on this level yet.

You see, when men are in their prime, they aren’t trying to settle down. The ones that do, either have low self-esteems or aren’t getting any buns on the regular. I have surveyed more than a few dozen men, and when asked this question, 95% of them responded as I’d hoped.

The sample question was this… “Forget everything you know about society and dating- throw it out the window. Now if you had the choice, what would you chose? You could either be in a relationship with one girl, or you could be single and guaranteed sex, no strings ever, with as many women as you’d like- most women would never deny you. In fact, 9 outta 10 times, if you approach a girl for some ass, she’d say YES.”

Most men, picked the single option. So ladies are right in a sense… Most men, only DO want one thing. And if they could get it, they would have no reason to be in a relationship, until they got older, their testosterone levels dropped, and they finally know what they want. Most men, don’t want all the things that come with a relationship. Sure, they’d like the company and the pussy, but most men hate all the drama that comes along with that pussy.

What is funny about my sample question, is that men would love to live this type of way, almost never being denied. If they were almost never denied, they wouldn’t have a reason to settle down. The question though is derived from the way women are in this world. Women actually DO have this option, the option of either being taken or single and almost never denied dick. If women wanted, they COULD live this way, most just choose not to. Most have never thought about it that way… Drool Boys, I know you’re HATIN! Lol

So for men, the regular and Submissive’s, being that they usual work hard for the pussy- they have their own issues to attend to. Many of them have been rejected and in turn, they have low self-esteems. What is funny is that many of them, will settle with the first girl who is willing to give them ass on the regular! That is why they wanna lock that shit down. Not necessarily because they want to be in a relationship, but because they don’t have many options when it comes to sex partners and you come along and fuck em on the regular. That alone makes many men settle.

So, it’s is not necessarily that he wants to get serious and wants all the drama that comes with being with a most women (bitches are crazy lol), because he’d really rather go without it. Men being the easy creatures that they are, usually have very little will power, and will usually not deny a girl some of his dick- especially if he’s attracted to her. They have and exhibit very little self-control when faced with the scenario I previously stated. So, if men actually had it the way women did when it comes to those options, relationships probably wouldn’t start until people were in their late 20’s.

Now when men date women, it is all about the front, mainly because you have no idea what kind of chick you are with. Many men will sit there, front, and lie about what they have, like a peacock parading around proudly showing his colorful feathers, in hopes of attracting a mate. This is mainly because the media and bitches make it hard for a man to get and attract women, if you’re not balling out. So most men will lie about all that shit, in hopes of impressing a girl enough.

Sure, many men DO just want pussy. Some will be forthcoming and many more, will be sneaky about the whole thing. The main thing they like to say is “I just wanna get to know you”… that is also about the only thing they really say. So if he says some shit like that, then it’s definitely all about the pussy. And sure, he may take you out on a few dates, but he’s usually trying to get that by the 3rd or 4th date. If he doesn’t get it, many of them move on. But for some, you have become a challenge that they have accepted, and they will then do almost anything to get that pussy. Even if it means getting into a relationship with you.

Men who are serious about a woman, will take their time, and show her the upmost respect… even if he’s extra attracted to her and has already fucked her 50 times in his mind. He is chivalrous, and most importantly, he will court you properly. Men who have reached this stage, are serious about settling down, and they usually know exactly what they want and what they expect from their woman. Men will ONLY get to this stage on their own- and no amount of persuading, or pussy, will change that.

Now men in relationships, we’re gunna break it down into two sections- real and fake relationships. Fake relationships are what many men have in their teens and early 20’s. I say they are fake because most of them, if they had the chance to fuck any chick they want at any time- most would chose to do so over a relationship any day! So men in fake relationships, sure lots of them don’t care and many will lie and cheat. Many of them can’t stand their girlfriends- but, it is constant pussy, so many of them stay… Until something better comes along that is.

Now men in real relationships, who actually know what they want and want to settle down- those are gems. Those are the “good men” women claim they seek. What most men have to deal with in relationships is crazy though. Like I said before, most men, want more than anything to be able to be himself around you. He wants to be able to break down the walls and relax. Most of them can’t though, because the type of women they are with, never allows that to happen.

These men may stay around, like I said, many of them stay for the constant pussy, but many of them start to resent their other halves. It gets tiring and annoying, when you can never be real with the person you love. It also gets tiring and annoying, when it becomes a project every time you are real with a bitch. Like I said men are ill equipped and women DO NOT make it easy. Believe me when I say that some of your boyfriends and husbands deserve head all night long, just for putting up with your crazy ass shit.

Now on to sex, my favorite topic of course ;) I felt the need to address this area when it comes to men because this is something that is never talked about, and I feel that women SHOULD know this. Any woman who have ever strapped up, and fucked someone, can sympathize and will know what the fuck I’m talking about. Men spend an enormous amount of energy and strength, just to fuck you right. The amount of work that men do, the stamina that some of them have- I COMMEND YOU! Women REALLY don’t know what it is like to fuck like a man, so if your man is fucking you right… treat him nice, he works hard!

Sure, there are MANY men who don’t fuck their women right, if they did, more women would know what the Big O REALLY feels like. But like I stated before there are advantages AND disadvantages to being a beast in the sheets. If you are serious about your chick, and you want to keep her at bay- BLOW HER BACK OUT! That shit will calm her ass down, seriously, I promise. Women who are sexually happy, only become more enthralled with their men, and the power their pussy has over the situation breaks. I’ll explain more about what happens in the next blog when I break down Alpha’s, Submissive’s and Everyone Else.

Now the negative impact that this can have, is if you are doing you’re woman wrong. If you do her wrong, or plan on doing so, please, DO NOT fuck her all crazy. I swear that the craziness levels in women increase, the better you fuck them. So if you blow her back out, and then do her dirty- she WILL make your life a living hell. And it’s mainly because she is PISSED you gave away that good dick- I don’t entirely blame her.

In conclusion, men are simple creatures, they want to be able to be themselves and they want a woman to fuck them right. Sure, many of them lie just to get to the pussy, but women don’t make it easy for a regular man to get some action too. They work hard, just as hard as women and harder in the sack (some of them), so for a woman to feel entitled to his ends- get a new hustle Gold Digger… its 2010. Sure, many of them don’t even want relationships, many of them are “trapped” into relationships, JUST cuz you give them pussy on the regular. Most don’t know what it is they want yet, but one day he will- hopefully.

Until next time kiddies… Stay tuned for the breakdown of societies Alpha’s, Submissive’s and Everyone Else.

MODERN DATING: The Bitches Edition

Modern dating from a woman’s perspective, is where we go today. You see women are beautiful and fragile creatures, some with emotions grander than the oceans themselves. Women can be delicate, they can be impulsive, they can be irrational, and they can be crazy. I’m gunna try to tell you why though and let you in on a few things that most women do and what they don’t want you to know. How they work and what makes these bitches tick.

Women, most of them are balls of emotion. I’m going to try to tie everything and correlate them to society and dating so that we can better dissect them and what goes on. So of course we will start at the very beginning, when we are all children. Little girls, for the most part are sheltered. Many grow up being ashamed of their bodies and their sexuality. Growing up little girls are also told constantly what they should expect and want from a man. These are things drilled into our heads as little girls.

This is the main reason why women are so confused when it comes to dating and when they first date. You have to understand that when we get older, what we like and what we attract, doesn’t always coincide with what we are told we SHOULD want and attract. That’s why there are so many women who say this “I want a good man”. Now what is amazing is that ANY woman that says that, and that alone is CONFUSED as fuck. When a woman KNOWS what she wants, she doesn’t stop at a “good man”. She will verbalize EXACTLY what she wants and expects from a man.

In the world of dating, there are exceptions to society, but for most of the population all of this holds true. Women, as we all know are very emotional creatures. They let their actions be dictated by their emotions and fears. This is why women don’t rule the world! They ARE too emotional, so emotional that the majority of them become extremely impulsive and irrational when they are upset. This is the main reason why men lie… Not necessarily because they WANT to… NO. Most men lie about the petty little things, because they don’t wanna deal with their woman getting all crazy on them.

Most women say they just want a man who is honest, and these are the same women who can’t handle honesty gracefully. This is the reason why so many lies ensue and are told. It is true to say that MOST women don’t actually really know what they want, and it’s not just women. The population in total is full of people who are living in dream worlds, and none of them know what it is they TRULY want, not what society tells them they SHOULD want. Nor do they know who they TRULY are, behind all the masks they wear.

For many women, the dating world is all about control, for you see PUSSY=POWER. This holds true when it comes to the regular people and the Submissive’s of the world. The Alpha’s are in no way affected by the control tactics used by the regular people (I will discuss why and how, at a later time). So women use their pussies as ways to control, trap and even torture hopeless saps. In most circumstances, it works, especially if she’s with another “regular” person or a Submissive. That shit would never fly with an Alpha male, for they are impervious to it!

So with most women of the world, they are taught they should be pious and that image should hold, no matter what. This is why women front and lie. They are so concerned with what people may think of them or say, that most of them tend to play the innocent role, and keep all the dirt they do to themselves. That’s the main difference between men and women, or dogs and cats. When a dog takes a shit, he just leaves it there… but a cat covers her tracks and her shit! Yes, women are sneaky creatures, they formulate and plot things out! Which is why women seldom get caught out there.

Now when you first meet a woman, several things run threw her head. One of the first things is whether or not you are fuckable. See a woman knows within the first few minutes of meeting someone whether or not she’d fuck them- any woman that says different is either a nun or a liar. We think about sex just as much as men do, if not more, for some of us. The reason why a woman isn’t going to jump your bones though falls to two factors… 1: in society, women aren’t supposed to enjoy casual sex and if you do, you are automatically assumed to be a whore, and 2: most women, feel the need to have an emotional connection with a man before fucking them. Therefore, in an effort for most to keep their image squeaky clean, they are either sexually repressed or they front and they lie on their sexuality.

See the reason why women front and lie though, is mainly to keep their image intact. Something they wouldn’t have to even worry about if double standards didn’t exist amongst the sexes. So when dating, women might front and lie about what they are doing with themselves and their lives, like men, but one thing you can always count on is a woman lying on her sexual tryst. That is something most women will lie and not tell you about, because in doing so, she relinquishes the power of her pussy!

You see, when you tell a man that you are dating, or talking to, that you are fucking someone else, HIS perception of you changes. He then looks at you as nothing more, but ass and pussy. And most women aren’t gunna take that chance, especially if she really likes you. And even if she doesn’t really like you, like I said, pussy=power, and as long as he thinks you ain’t giving it up to anyone else, you have the control in the situation.

So a woman is NOT gunna tell you she’s fucking someone else, even if she is. This is mainly because men, can’t handle that concept gracefully without looking at a woman differently. I honestly believe the only reason regular men look at women differently, is cuz you’re a HATER! From experience, men who were also doing them, well the Alpha males, don’t look at a woman differently. Only because he’s not worried about that, he’s secure in himself enough to know what he’s got.

Regular men, look at a woman differently, because deep down inside, your just mad that you don’t got it like that, and that you’re the one NOT getting any. You are envious of the sexuality of a woman, and jealous of the fact that sex comes to women with such ease… No bullshit, if a woman wants dick, it’s TOO easy to get it.

On the other hand, though, regular men and Submissive’s have to work hard for pussy. How do you think these double-standards got started? Hating ass men, who weren’t getting any pussy, mad that women get it as such ease, decided to call them evil and of the devil, if women were found to be promiscuous. Blah. You just hating that she wouldn’t fuck YOU, that’s what it boils down to!

This is the biggest lie told by women, “No, I’m not seeing or fucking anyone else”. Men, check yourself and whether or not YOU would be able to handle it gracefully if she WAS real with you. How would you react? Probably like a douche bag… Which is why you get lied to!

Besides, with lots of women it is all about who controls the situation. When you tell a man you are dating, that you had sex with another man, you lose the control of your situation, and the power of pussy that was holding him in place, becomes non-existent. Yes, he may or may not look at you differently, but even more important is that as a woman, you no longer solely call the shots. It becomes a 50/50 type of situation, and most women fear that because they themselves are either control freaks, or are insecure. They need to control when YOU will be getting pussy from HER, and needs to keep you in the dark of her dealings if she ever wants a future with you.

Seriously, from experience, when you omit your sexuality from the situation, the man is more forthcoming and is on some “I wanna wife you up” type of shit. The art of seduction for women, is merely not stating what she does when she’s NOT around you. What is fucked up is, THAT is the ONLY way to really wrangle a man. If a woman wants to be taken seriously by a man, she HAS TO lie to him about what she’s done sexually or what she’s doing. As soon as she tells him ANYTHING, HE CHANGES, and no longer wants a relationship with her… So men, you do it to yourselves sometimes.

Now when dating, women have different men around for different reasons. There are those who even have distinct categories for the men in their lives. Depending on what kind of woman you are dealing with, that will determine how the dating goes with them.

Gold Diggers, run rampant in this world, both men and women, but mostly women. But it’s not just the gold diggers, it is also the women who feel entitled to things. I completely understand where they are coming from and why they do what they do- even though I do not personally agree with it all the time. The main reason why most women feel like they are entitled, is because they believe that most men have hidden agendas.

This is true for the most part, most men do just want to fuck. I’ll discuss the male point of view in the next blog of course. But just skipping across the surface, women believe most men JUST want their goodies. Being that they just want their goodies, most women feel like you have to work for that shit, pay for it, wine and dine it! And I don’t entirely blame them. If men only knew what it felt like to be objectified and looked at as nothing except pieces of ass, tits and pussy. Most men aren’t very tactful and most women will feel used at least once in their lives.

So, I do not entirely blame some women for feeling entitled. They are usually the ones who have been hurt, scorned and used the most. Their feelings of entitlement are usually their defense mechanisms. They feel that how much a man cares for you is tied to how much he is willing to do for you monetarily. They validate it this way… If he’s willing to do and buy X,Y, and Z for me, then he must truly like me. But this is where they get the game twisted, because some men will do all that JUST in conquest of their pussies.

How much someone cares for you should never be connected or correlated to how much they are willing to spend on you. At the end of the day, it IS the simple things and actions that matter and count the most. The way he acts around you, what he says and how he treats you, should determine whether or not he is worthy. Not how much he’s willing to spend on you. So yes, some women DO feel entitled, most are products of fucked up relations with men, and at the end of the day… They are all wrong and will never know true happiness.

Women aren’t dumb, and neither are men for that matter, even though both parties resort to games, lies and fronting, to get what they want. See, lots of women KNOW what it is that men want… And it sure as hell isn’t JUST good company and conversations. And the thirstier a man is, the worse off he is… Women can SMELL thirstiness, like a dog can smell fear. And most women will use it to their advantage.

A thirsty man, is willing to do any and every thing for you. All in hopes that one day, he will get some pussy. Most women don’t like you, because you are easily swayed and convinced of things. Most women, don’t necessarily want to control and over power their men (most women just want to control the situation)… But most men, make it easy to do so. That shit IS NOT SEXY… No one wants a man with no back bone who will say “how high?” when she yells JUMP. Men don’t understand that women, like a challenge too, but most men are so easy, that a challenge is never met. It’s TOO easy to get into a man’s drawers. So yes, Gold Diggers exist. Mainly to leech off of the insecure people, and more importantly, thirsty men.

If you happen to encounter the elusive Independent Woman, watch out, she may just be perpetrating! Like I said before, women front on themselves just as hard, in hopes of impressing men. Women talk lots of shit, and before you believe her, test her ass out and delve a little deeper. Remember a REAL independent woman, won’t have a problem if you asked her to go half on something. You may or may not want her to, but if you want to know what kind of chick she REALLY is… Ask that bitch to go half and see what she says and how she reacts to that.

Now women in relationships, can be tricky. However, the most common bitch characteristics are impulsiveness and irrational tendencies. Many women never stop to think about what it is they do or say. They do not think before they speak. Instead, they let their emotions take a hold of them and out spews the garbage, that half of the time, is not cohesive. Women resort to all types of measures to get their way, crying and screaming, like toddlers with horrible cases of the terrible two’s.

Most of the time, it works, you see men give in, what you don’t see is the resentment towards her building inside. You see men give in, not necessarily because they agree with you. They agree because they don’t want to hear you bitch, cry or scream anymore. They are ill equipped to deal with your emotions and will give in JUST so they won’t have to deal with that shit. Believe me when I tell you, if some of you only saw what you looked like… You wouldn’t wanna deal with that shit either!

Seriously though, most women in relationships fall in love and they love very blindly, often not heeding warnings and red flags. They love deeply and overlook many things the man may do or say, especially if he’s beating it out the frame constantly. Astonishingly, many others will stay with men who DO NOT satisfy her in the bedroom. As a result, these women, who are very unaware of where these feelings stem from, are angry! I truly believe this is why the world has so many angry women.

Putting a woman on smash and blowing her back out, can be a thin line between love and hate. It can be a double-edged sword, if you do not wield it properly (no pun intended). All I will say for now, is that if you plan on being good to your woman, you are at a tremendous advantage. Nevertheless, if you do her wrong, you will wish that you hadn’t. I’ll explain more in the next blog on the male’s perspective.

With statistics like every 3 out of 4 women never reaching orgasm during sex and about 15% of women never reaching any in their lifetime, of course these women are angry, bitter bitches. Men can’t truly understand, as 98% of men always climax, but if only 25% of you did, we would live in chaos. Your testosterone would overcome you, and our world would be at constant war! Think about that.

In conclusion, women are emotional, irrational and impulsive creatures… beautiful, but they can be dangerous and crazy. Most of it is a result of dealing with men who are just trying to use them, and many of them front and lie about just as much. Most will use the power of their pussy, if you leave yourself open to it… And most will devour you if you’re a thirst bucket. Many are angry, but that is only because their men are not smashing them properly. Believe me, if you were, she would calm her ass the fuck down! On to the next one, and the male’s perspective, with which I identify a lot with…

Until next time kiddies…


A new year and a new mission. Last year, I decided to face the challenges of dating. What I have gained from these experiences are basic insights overlooked by many. Since there is so much to cover, and I am going to try to cover it all, this will be a mini series of sorts. This one will basically cover things that are affected by both the sexes when dating. Feelings felt, things done and said, and a certain thing that both sides definitely deal with. Then I will in further blogs, assess the dating world from both a male and females point of view.

So, let us begin this series by starting at the beginning. So, you think you may like someone and you would like to go out somewhere with them, maybe in an effort to get to know them better. It was once called courting, but we call it dating or just plain ol’ “going out”. In the hood, there seems to be a difference between dating and going out, but I have digressed.

So I want to address something felt by both sexes, felt by many people in the world. Astonishingly, many people in this world have a low self-esteem, and/or image problems. Even the people who front like they THINK they the shit… most often have deep-rooted self- esteem issues. If you do not believe me, look around and within yourself. Its’ all there!

This goes back to the formulation of fronts. A front is something put on by people who are mainly too scared to show who they truly are. This fear can be driven by many things, fear of rejection, fear of being taken advantage of, fear of getting hurt… the list goes on! Nevertheless, this is why fronts exist, mostly as defense mechanisms, and the like. People are too scared to show who they truly are… Period.

There are those who take their fronts too far though. These are the people who have come to believe their fronts. They emulate someone they would like to be, the person they dream of becoming. Yet, they are so stuck in that dream, that instead of progressing and BECOMING the person they front to be… They never do, and stay at square one… STILL fronting!

A word to those people, you are just as bad as a HATER, only because you share common characteristics. In essence, the reason why people hate on you, is mainly because they envy you, and jealousy is a mother fucker. Yet, instead of taking all that energy used to hate, and putting it towards positive, constructive ways to better themselves- they do not. All the energy used to hate and breed negativity, could be used to better yourself. And then maybe your ass wouldn’t be as miserable, and you wouldn’t have to hate on others, cuz you now got your own.

One last note on this issue… People need to mind their own fucking business. Seriously though. People fail or neglect their own issues cuz they’re so worried about what the next person is doing. Why are you so concerned with what is going on with other people? Well, it’s WAY more interesting than YOUR life- that’s for sure. Get a fucking life, and stop being so fucking nosey when it comes to matters that don’t concern you… This is anything and everything that doesn’t directly affect YOU. “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone”… This would be NONE OF YOU! Remember that! How you gunna call someone out for not having they shit in order, and talk shit about any issue; when in your life, you are facing the same issues and have no idea how to deal with it. Two words: C’MoN SoN!

Back to the dating extravaganza. So, there are these fronts, which most people have and put into play. The only thing is that some people live deeper in their fronts than others. The people who are off on the deep end, are the ones you should avoid. Don’t try to play Captain Save a Hoe, don’t try to play Ms. Fix-iT, these people CAN NOT be fixed by anyone aside from themselves. They put themselves in these holes, and they themselves must find their way out and truly discover who they are.

There is the initial meeting, or not, nowadays people are resorting to all types of methods for meeting new people. So there isn’t always that initial meeting before a date. But something I found interesting was the amount of people I ran into who exhibited self-esteem issues.

You may not want to believe it, but you too may have these issues. I do not believe I have ever met anyone who was 100% happy with who they are and what they have or will become. And anyone who has said so, was FRONTING! Deep down inside, everyone has issues, some more than others and when it comes to our relations with other people, shit gets fucked up pretty quickly because of how we feel about ourselves.

For instance, many people settle for less because they feel they are undeserving of more, or they really don’t think they can find anything better. This basically means to me, that YOU don’t think very highly of yourself. I see both men and women cope out and stay with people who don’t necessarily make them happy, but they don’t think there is anything better. And you are right, there ain’t shit better for you, if deep down inside, you think YOUR shit. Finding yourself and KNOWING who you truly are is a journey we all must take if we ever want to be at peace with ourselves and our decisions in life. How are you going to choose a suitable mate, if you are so disillusioned that you believe you are someone you are not. It ain’t fucking happening.

What is crazy though is that the very way we feel about OURSELVES has a major impact on who we are with and date. One thing that both sexes have to deal with is REJECTION. Sure in essence women certainly do not have to deal with it as much, but most women aren’t secure enough in themselves to know this. Men and women both have instances where they won’t approach someone JUST because of how the person looks. Men are scared to holla at that bad bitch, women are scared to holla at Mr. Sexy… All because they aren’t secure enough to take the risk and say fuck it!

Let me let you in on a secret… The sexy people of the world are broken down into 2 categories… The ones who got it and know they got it… And the ones who got it and have NO idea. What was interesting is that, I would say 70%, of people who look good have self image issues. Most people that look good, also suffer from self-esteem issues. As a result, they usually aren’t gunna holla at anyone, cuz they are insecure. And on the flip side, no one holla’s at them because they don’t think they are good enough, they get intimidated cuz the person looks good and fear rejection… You know where that gets you? NOWHERE.

This is how the world turns unfortunately. I like to break people down into certain categories. There are the Alpha’s, the Submissive's and then there’s everyone else. Later on I’ll discuss how each of these categories dates and how they get along in society. But for now, know that the Alpha’s are mainly the people who are secure enough in themselves, that when they date, they are almost immune to the bullshit the opposite sex tries to pull, in order to gain control of the situation. The Submissive’s are people who are easily swayed and taken over… No fight necessary… They usually just let you run they shit… These people usually have deeply rooted mommy/daddy issues. Then there is everyone else, which is the majority of the population. Now the thing with everyone else though is that they are usually at odds with one another over CONTROL of the situation. It seems to me that nowadays, it’s all about control, who controls what and who controls who. This is where the games ensue and take place, it is where they derive from.

Back to dating, so you meet someone and have secured the first date. Let me tell your ass where NOT to go: the movies, dinner, a bar, a club, or anywhere else where you can’t have a quiet and private conversation with your date. A proper first date should be going for coffee, or ice cream, or going to the park or a museum or art gallery… Somewhere public that is quiet enough for you two to converse. Sure, people get wrapped up in the bullshit, especially women with their high maintenance shit… But seriously, the first date is IMPORTANT, it is your first time out and about together.

What people neglect is that on a first date- talking should NOT be optional! This is how you get to know a person, and it’s what you SHOULD want to do. So many people waste time, energy and effort into dates, when it should be very simple. A conversation with that person is what should be the most important part of your date, not where they are taking you or what you are doing. This is an area where people throw simplicity out the window, not knowing that simplicity will take you farther than trying to make shit all complicated.

A first date should be short, sweet and cheap! YES, I said cheap! I honestly say this because I see so many people splurge on a first date- for nothing. Fellas, save your guap for the 3rd date. If a chick has made it to a 3rd date, then you can take her somewhere nice. But don’t spend all your money on a bitch the first time around, mainly because, MOST bitches aren’t worth it! Seriously though, why spend all your money on someone you barely know? And a lot of the times it doesn’t even work out. So dudes watch your wallets, unless you can afford to ball out, cuz nowadays we got bitches being Dinner Whores. Which means, she will only call you when she wanna go out, and always makes you pay… And at the end of the day, you NEVER get to really play! Lol… Ain’t that Fucked Up?

A first date should be used to try to REALLY get a person and where they are coming from. The shit I hate about that though, is that SO MANY PEOPLE lie their asses off on a first date or any date, period. This is usually all fronting and they are doing so in hopes of impressing you. Both men and women do it, and in turn, you NEVER get to really know who that person is- that’s the worse part. You get to know who it is they PORTRAY themselves to be, but who are they really? That is to be discovered with time.

What REALLY grinds my gears is that you spend all this time and effort into getting to know someone and all they were doing the whole time is fronting. This is where you gotta check yourself and do some self evaluations and find out what YOU are fronting about in an effort to understand people more. What do you front about? Do you even know? Do you know what is reality and what is fabricated? Many people don’t know and are so stuck in their fronts that they can’t decipher reality from what they have fabricated.

People need to turn to simplicity. Shit CAN be oh so simple… if you just let it happen. If you stopped trying to impress others, if you stopped caring what others thought, if you just let yourself be who you truly are- for once. It amazingly is EASIER to tell the truth and to be REAL, than it is to lie and create an entire front. This is time that could be used to do more constructive things, like, I dunno, maybe actually getting yourself where you want to be in life.

So, what have we learned today? Most people have self-esteem issues, so don’t be scared to holla at something sexy, chances are they have the same issues you do… So grow some balls and make an initiative and go talk to them. First dates are IMPORTANT! They should be cheap and you should be conversing vigorously. Yes, people front and lie like their lives depend on it, but every person makes a difference, so STOP FRONTIN! (I need to get that shit printed on a t-shirt, like the Stop Snitchin ones lol)… As people we attract those who are reflections of ourselves, and real talk- REAL ALWAYS RECOGNIZES REAL… you just have to look past all the bullshit and lies to be able to know and appreciate what something REAL looks like.

Until Next Time Kiddies… Stay tuned for the male and female perspectives in the dating world… This should be fun ;)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Simplicity is Complicated

Simplicity (noun): 1. Being simple. A lack of complexity, complication,
embellishment, or difficulty.
2. Simple thing. A simple quality or thing.

Simplicity sounds like such an easy thing. It’s simple, of course! Yet when it comes to people and society at large, it seems that most people I encounter have forgotten this. They have forgotten the simple things of life. Yet, at the end of the day… it’s the simple things that make us smile. The simple things that make us happy. Moreover, it’s the simple things that are constant, never changing and will always be there.

I would first like to address the miserable people who are walking this green earth… GET OVER YOURSELF! I see so many people who constantly complain about bullshit in their lives. They complain about the most miniscule things. They make life harder on themselves and as a result- are never fucking happy. You see, even when happy, they’ll STILL find something to complain about.

These are the same people who complain that they’re never happy. These people suffer from attention problems a lot of the time. They want attention and seek it through looking miserable all the time in hopes that someone will come along and ask what’s wrong. They want to be able to tell their story of woe to someone. They yearn for drama and aren’t at peace unless some type of chaos surrounds them.

These people sulk in their misery. They are often depressed. They often verbalize this to anyone around them who will listen. Many have been this way for so long that this characteristic has become something that is a part of who they are. They are miserable and enjoy being sad and depressed. What’s crazy though is that most of them don’t know this and will still say that they just want to be happy!

What is especially crazy though is that many of these people PUT THEMSELVES IN THESE SITUATIONS. These people complain all day, yet they themselves are the keepers of their own demise. The only thing I have to say about that is this: if you PUT YOURSELF in a situation and STAY THERE, then guess what poppet’s…. You have FORFEITED all rights to complain about said situation.

This may be cruel to say for some, but nevertheless, it is the TRUTH. You cannot complain about something or anything for that matter if you stay in that situation- no matter what it is. Real talk, if it were THAT BAD, you would have found a way to escape. But, you don’t. This tells us one of two things… Either you LIKE IT or you just want something to complain about.

It is so simple to walk away from a fucked up situation. It’s as easy as getting up, walking away and not looking back. Yet so many people find this hard to do. Know this… Walking away is the easiest, most simple thing to do. Most don’t, only because they either want to be there or they let their feelings and fears dictate them.

I have known many of people in fucked up situations, that they just could not seem to get out of. The main reason being, that when they think of solutions, they are not happy with any of them. They may have to deal with another situation they may not like or people they may not like. Know this… at any point in time in our lives; we will face situations that we may not necessarily want to deal with. You can either run the opposite way and forever more have problems, or you can stand your ground and deal with it. Which in turn makes you a stronger person.

This is a part of growing up. Learning when and how to pick your battles, learning when and how to speak up for yourself, and most importantly learning when and how you should let certain things go. You have to think beyond what is happening in the here and now, and look at the bigger picture. You may have to deal with fucked up shit, just to get to where you want to be in life.

When I think about the phrase “Easier said than done”, this applies to the majority of the population. This though is only because, like I said, most people let their feelings and fears dictate them. It is not the end of the world if you walk away, stop thinking so. Those fears are what will hinder you for your entire lives. Fear of rejection, fear of loneliness, fear of the unknown… are common amongst society. Get over it!

This also goes back to what I said about drama chasers. Many of them claim that they HATE drama, yet are constantly surrounded by it. Look around you and you’ll see it everywhere. I’ve personally seen bitches pick a fight with her man over NOTHING. All because she wanted that drama, something to complain to her girls about. This scenario is definitely seen more with women. Women after all LOOOOOVE to complain about SHIT.

The ones who love the drama are often surrounded by others of their kind. Misery loves company of course, and the depressed run in packs. Look around you, examine your peers and you will eventually start to see who people really are. The drama lovers are surges of negative energy, and that shit DOES rub off. So if you don’t want to be miserable, stay away from those who generate it like the heat from the sun. It can and will eventually affect you as an individual.

On to the people in fucked up relationships, who can’t seem to walk away. I’ve seen a wide array and variety of relationships that were shot to hell, but the people still stayed. They stayed for various reasons, mainly because they fear being alone and they fear the unknown. I’ve also seen people who live with each other and are only doing so because it’s cheaper than living on your own. For those people… one word, two syllables: roommate.

You shouldn’t stay in a fucked up relationship, where no one is happy, just so you can go half with someone on rent. It’s called a ROOMMATE! Not that fucking hard; but instead, you people just stay in fucked up relationships, more than half of you cheat, you aren’t happy and at the end of the day most of you go home to someone you have grown to hate. Guess what? You have forfeited all rights to complain about that shit! It’s not that hard to get up and leave, nor is it that hard to find a roommate.

People make their own lives harder than it has to be. You put yourselves in fucked up situations. Then, you have the audacity to sit there and complain about it. I am here to tell you, that if you are in a fucked up situation, and you know it… and you STILL stay there. Then guess what? No complaints should ever escape your breathe.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, being that there are many marriages that are like this too. If children are involved, then it just makes it that much worse. The only thing I will say about this though is that society has come to accept divorce and accept broken homes- I have not. If people would actually get to know one another before deciding to marry, things would be so much different. But… people are impulsive, people are deceitful and many have hidden agendas. Your job in a relationship is to get to REALLY know a person, and not who they portray themselves to be.

The bottom line of all this is that life can be extremely simple. We as people have made it hard upon ourselves only because we let our fears and feelings dictate us. This in essence is what makes situations harder upon us. The fact that we can’t see the bigger picture and do whatever it takes to get to where we want to be.

To those of you in shitty relationships, especially women, you bitches are disillusioned to believe certain things. Never forget one thing though, that thing you hold in between your legs IS POWERFUL! Bitches who cry over dudes and get all depressed and shit- I laugh at you bitches, cuz you REALLY don’t know what you have, nor do you value yourself.

If he was fucked up to you, get over him. There are PLENTY of men, all over the place. As a woman, we can pick and choose who we want. We have that advantage over men. We can literally pick who we want, when we want, within reason of course. So ladies, stop moping around. The world is our oyster, and we can have just about anyone within it… even if you are an ugly bitch.

Men on the other hand don’t have it as easy. They can’t just go out and get whatever girl he wants, unless of course, he is an alpha male. So men, if you are in a fucked up situation, let it go. Go out with your friends, get wasted and live it up.

It amazes me how many of you cope out and sell yourself short just because a bitch is giving you pussy on the regular. STOP SELLING YOURSELF SHORT! You will never be happy that way, and that bitch will always be the naggy ass bitch you met her as. Men, practice and learn some fucking self-control. No woman should want a man who displays little self-control and will power.

So, to wrap this all up. Simplicity is simple, yet we have made it hard upon ourselves. We have made our lives way harder than they originally were. Let go of certain things, it is the only way to progress. And sometimes the road less travelled may seem longer, darker and scarier, but in turn you will not only acquire growth in mind, body and spirit; you will also finally be where you want to be in life. Lastly, if you are in a fucked up situation and you know it, and you really hate it as much as you say you do- then leave. You are putting yourself through torture and it’s your own fault. Remember that anything that can easily be said, CAN easily be done. Stop being scared now, because if you don’t you will remain this way forever. If you don’t leave, also know that now, you can’t complain about it. You cannot complain about a situation or anything that is SELF-INFLICTED! Period.

Until next time, Be Real with Yourself and Each Other.

Monday, October 19, 2009


We live in a world where many people strive every day of their waking lives to be an individual. People try to develop their own styles, their own phrases, their own traits, their personalities. Yet, the media, the press, the internet set thousands of trends yearly, and worldwide for that matter. Celebrities are walking billboards for trends, and are modeled by many people. Therefore, when new trends are seen, people flock to them.

This goes more much deeper than the clichéd celebrities doing and wearing some new “cool” thing. It goes to the very heart of individualism, and deep down into the self. Who we are as individuals is an elusive thing. I say this because although many claim their stake at being an individual, many are sheep!

There are many of us who do NOT know who we TRULY are… deep down inside, behind the surface fronts. I think it’s ridiculous that many people live in the dream worlds they have created. They live in their front, and believe it to be true. They lie so much, front so much that eventually, it becomes their alter ego in a sense. They start to BELIEVE their own lies.

What I believe is that once upon a time, we all had a sense of self. As we grew older, we began to realize that in order to survive or maintain in this world, a front must be created, like I said, an alter ego. What happens though, is that many resent who they TRULY are therefore they formulate fronts sampled off of who they would like to be.

Many people don’t like who they REALLY are, so they live in the worlds they create for themselves. Yes. Many hold feelings involving self-hate. The formulation of a front is a way to escape who you TRULY are as a person. Yet, what they don’t realize is that you can’t run and hide forever. In order to be the person you picture yourself being, changes must occur and you must first start from within.

Yet, this is not just about fronting in general, it’s about what these fronts represent and how they are formulated. Most people have fronts they formulate after things deemed socially accepted at the moment in time. They then form lies to support this and put the act on and their front becomes who they are in the eyes of others.

Most people I seem to encounter though, don’t know who they truly are anymore. They have yet to take the journey to Grown-up Land. This journey doesn’t have complete set rules, as to when and how it will occur. Most of us don’t take the boat when it comes, instead, we stay where we are and never fully mentally take it to the next step.

It all begins with the self. Self-discovery is a wondrous thing, and it can be completely shocking and mind blowing. Sometimes, you’re not going to always like who you TRULY are as a person, deep inside. You meditate on yourself and delve deep into who you are, what you want from life, what your expectations are, your future. The deeper you dig, the more you start to realize who you are. Once you know who you are, you can make changes to becoming a better you.

Until that happens though, you begin to analyze who you are, why certain things have occurred, and more importantly, who your friends are. Most of the time, the people that gravitate towards us, happen to share similar traits with us. When you analyze yourself and start to get the bigger picture, you realize that in order to succeed, negativity must be extracted from your life.

This negativity comes in different forms, most often in character traits. When you notice the negative in you, you notice the negativity your friends possess too. This is the same time you will learn that people in your life play different roles, and they should be categorized into sections. You learn that not all can be trusted, but all play a significant role.

You will have friends you will ONLY party with, yet never share secrets with. There will be friends who feel like are your kindred spirits. There are many roles to be played, and you will realize this. You will realize that not all that smile, smile genuinely and that misery does love company. Yet what will be the deciding factor in keeping certain people closer than others will be on your vision of your future. This is because you’ll learn that birds of a feather really do flock together.

If you wish to be successful, you must surround yourself with successful people. You must surround yourself with positive people. People who share your vision of life. People who share your true interest. This positivity will help you become the person you see in your future. The negativity though, needs to be cut and for most people, this is the hardest thing to do.

You see, when you finally realize what has been holding you back, you become conscious that many of your closest friends possess the very same qualities you’re trying to rid yourself of. What does this mean for many of these friends? Well, you can either help them better themselves or cut them off. Most people will have to be cut off.

These are the people, who bring the constant drama into your life. The people who, love it, live it and keep it going. The same people MUST be cut off to succeed. If your life were a garden, these people would be the snakes and weasels infesting it.
Many of these people are secret haters, who hate on your success. Many are two-faced and talk shit behind your back. In many cases, whether or not you are aware of this, most people, won’t cut these people off. Instead, they keep them around and ultimately do damage to themselves. Understand that many of them are serious poison to who we are and what we’d like to grown into becoming.

Another reason people won’t cut people off, that I’ve witnessed, and it STILL baffles me is the amount of people who LOVE the drama. The excitement, the stirring of people, the gossip, people seem to love it all. This is why tabloids sell so much, why people love TMZ and reality television. They love the fucking drama. Some people live for this shit and feel like their lives are empty and boring without the drama to make it exciting.

This has been evident many of times, during my observations. I’ve seen people who were NOT happy in a relationship that had no arguments. They would go as far as cheat, just to create some drama in their lives. I’ve seen people get sucked into the drama of others and sit there not wanting to rise and leave the show. All in all though, know that this is NOT normal and should not be the lives we wish to live.

Yet, it stuns me every time I hear someone who loves the drama claim that they don’t. If you have never sat down and analyzed who YOU are as a person, you should. You never know what you’re going to find, but I warn you that many of us are hypocrites, and we don’t even know it!

The last note on that is that growing up and cutting the drama out of your life can be BORING at times. Yes, it can be. It can be lonely when you realize you’ve cut all your friends off and you’re home alone on a Friday night. My best advice for these trying times is the following: 1. Make NEW friends who are positive people and share your goals and 2. Idleness IS the devils playground, when you are busy, these things just don’t bother you. So take up a new hobby, read, learn something new, either way, spend your time as constructive as possible.

Back to fronting and the formulation of them…. So, the media and our peers DO have a HUGE say as to what we portray ourselves to be. Men want to be more suave to get all the bad bitches, so they front like they big balling. In all actuality though, they broke and live with their mama. Women front like they don’t wanna fuck, but in all actuality… many of them do!

My favorite trend front is the one where girls claim they’re bisexual. Bisexuality for women is a hot topic and many men would give their left nut for a ménage, so what do these chicks do? Lie and claim bisexuality to appeal to men. This one really ticks me off and as a bisexual woman, I’d like to take the time now to say this: if you have NEVER eaten some pussy, then you ain’t bisexual…. PERIOD! You fronting ass bi-curious bitches help give real bisexuals a bad name.

There are plenty of examples that I could run through, but instead, I’d like you to just think about it. Open your eyes, look around and analyze what goes on around you and you’ll see the trend fronters. They are all around us and most people are sheep to them, as they flock to these trends making them even more popular.

You see, most people, no matter how unique they think they are, are really sheep. They go with the times and follow the trends. Most of our feelings about certain topics in society, the way we feel about ourselves and others… have all been formulated by others. If certain things were not set in place, we would think about life and people in a completely different way.

If there were no double standards amongst the genders, if the current dating and mating rituals didn’t exist, if there was no media…. What kind of a world would we live in? A completely different one. If someone hadn’t deemed something good or bad hundreds of years ago, would the world be the same today? No.

These ideas and theories didn’t just come from thin air. They did not formulate over night, and a lot of the ideas, theories and stigmas we carry today were decided way back when. The way that many men and women view one another, wouldn’t be the same if society and the powers that be hadn’t stepped in and molded it that way.

These are things that should be thought of during self-discovery. You shouldn’t just analyze yourself and your actions, but all those around you. You should question things. You should try to think of things from different perspectives… not just the black and white areas, but the entire spectrum. Broadening yourself, and your mind will broaden your horizons and ultimately broaden who you are as a person.

So, before you run off and tell people how you’re different from others, wait. Think about who you are, and what makes you so different. What are your strongest character traits? What is your personality like? What do you have to offer a mate? (Real talk, you CANT ask for shit that you don’t possess.)

To wrap it all up, growing up is HARD to do, and many of us will never mentally achieve that goal. Some of us are too busy following trends and fronting like our lives depend on it. Some of us love the drama that surrounds us and just can’t seem to function normally without it. Yet, at the end of the day, before you can call yourself a SHEPHERD, you need to know WHO you really are, behind the mask. Soul searching can be tedious, it can be shocking, and tiring, but at the end of the day understanding yourself helps you better understand those around you. So, next time your alone and have some time to delve into yourself, ask yourself this… Are you a SHEPHERD or a SHEEP?