Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dating... Obsolete?

Love P.T. 2... here it is.

I want to address cheating and love from a different perspective. Now, as I said in the last post- you CANNOT possibly be IN LOVE with someone and cheat on them. Now the question is… is it possible to LOVE someone and cheat on them? The answer is YES!

Like I said before, being IN LOVE and just LOVING someone are two completely different things, and they should never be used interchangeably. When you are IN LOVE- you’re a blinded race horse, but when you love someone- there is absolutely no guarantee of the magic blinders.

You can love anyone, and anything at any given point in time. The word love itself has been sooo overused that it seems to have even lost its meaning in a sense. Love is a word thrown around loosely today in age. Now to apply this to the relationship realm- when someone says the love you, are they being real?

Only you can determine this, for no one should know your partner more than you do. If you don’t REALLY know your partner that well- you better do some damn soul searching and find out EXACTLY what that person is about. That’s what is wrong today, people do not take the time to get to know each other. This is why you’re relationships fail and after being with a person for a long while- you STILL DON’T KNOW WHO THE FUCK THEY REALLY ARE!

First and foremost, before entering any relationship- you need to think of it as a business deal in a sense. Who’s gunna sign a contract for a major deal without researching, reading the damn contract FIRST, and checking out all that fine print. That’s what you need to do- delve into a person and find out who they truly are BEFORE making a commitment to them. That way, you at least know what the hell your getting yourself into before you commit to it- and most importantly, there are no surprises.

These are things that are done and discussed during the “dating” period- and seeing as its becoming obsolete- a lot of you people are FUCKED and in FUCKED UP relationships (choosing a mate- this blog will be written soon).

Now, off to matters of the heart and the monsters who cheat. I’ve come to the understanding that it is perfectly possible to cheat and still love someone. This is because there is NOT a level of deeper connections there. Being IN LOVE with someone ensures this deeper connection of mind, body and spirit.

But love… shit, I love my phone- but as soon as an upgraded model comes out, I’m getting the new one. Think of it like that, when it comes to love in these ages- anything is REPLACEABLE. Why? Because in today’s age the word love and feelings associated with JUST love (not being in love), has lost a vital part to it- LOYALTY. Anyone can say they love you, but whether or not they will be loyal is open for discussion.

How this happened… who knows, but I assure you it is very REAL. I believe that is why it is so easy for people to cheat in relationships. One, because there are a shit load of people walking the face of the earth right now who do not know the difference between love and being in love… and honestly, until you have REALLY been IN LOVE- you won’t be able to decipher these two feelings. You have absolutely nothing to go on, and people can only explain what being in love is to certain degree- but you definitely have to FEEL IT to believe it.

Being that there are so many people who do not know what the fuck they’re talking about, the words love and in love are often misused and/or used interchangeably. This causes the meaning of the word to diminish over time, and just confuse people about what these two very separate things are.

Two, because the word love has been so overused and abused… love has lost a major component- LOYALTY. Think about it like this… socially speaking, the feeling of being IN LOVE is supposed to be reserved for a significant other, while LOVE is used to describe feelings for your friends and family. Now, you love your family and friends- right? Now tell me, are you LOYAL to them? Are you loyal to your friends or family? Would you have their back at all times, support them through their endeavors, keep their secrets, stick up for them, always want to have good communication between you, and at the end of the day, you always make up after fights and you always know where home’s at.

This is the shit I’m talking about because when it comes to relationships, people can use the word love and not be loyal… which leads me to believe either one of two things- either you are a disillusioned FOOL who has absolutely no fucking idea what love is OR you simply do not REALLY love the person.

Which brings me to the conclusion that either the word LOVE in relationships has lose ties with its best friend LOYALTY, or there’s a shit load of people LYING about loving someone. This is why it may be so simple to cheat on someone you just love- because you have absolutely no loyalty to them. For you DISLOYAL FUCKERS being that you do not feel this loyalty, you don’t feel that it matters. It doesn’t matter if you cheat even if you love a person… and you can cheat with no remorse at all.

You can be on the phone with your mate and say “I love you”, hang up, and two seconds later go holla at that sexiness you just saw walk past you. I think that this is a characteristic that is becoming obsolete in the world of cheaters- loyalty. It’s come to the point where I have to give disloyal bastards their own category in the cheaters list. The main difference between disloyal cheaters and regular cheaters is their level of remorse.

Someone who is a disloyal cheater, really doesn’t GIVE A FUCK. They are serial daters, they cheat like fucking crazy in relationships, most of the time the relationship they are in is great… and the best part about it all is that they REALLY don’t give a fuck. They have NO remorse, or a moral compass instilled in them. They don’t even think what they are doing is WRONG, and that’s the worst type of cheater to deal with.

So… all my lovely readers- what did we learn today? First of all, KNOW who you are dealing with and what you are getting yourself into BEFORE you run off and commit. Don’t let someone catch you off guard and surprise you with shit a few months or years down the line (some people can front for longer periods of time).

And secondly, know the difference between love and being IN love, and discuss how you feel about these things with your partner- this is definitely something that should be discussed OPEN and HONESTLY (this means that when having this conversation: bitches- don’t get all fucking emotional and niccas- don’t lie and tell a bitch what you think she wants to hear). This should be part of the “getting to know each other phase” , before actual commitment (remember- KNOW what you’re getting yourself into).

Also, keep the conversation light- do not get too serious! The main reason for discussion is JUST to find out where their head is at when it comes to matters of love, and to find out whether or not your views are compatible.

So…. Next time someone tells you they love you- say they can keep that shit, because you’d prefer their LOYALTY!

Until next time kiddies.

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