Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hoes Vs. Sexually Liberated Women

Women…. Statistically, we out number men easily 3 to 1... Women also live longer. Why is that we don’t rule the world? We could easily take over everything, and kick men out of positions of power…. So why don’t we?

Well… lately I’ve been thinking about this very topic more and more. The more I educate myself and reflect on history; the more I realize how fucked up we’re living. As time has gone by, women have fought for rights that were denied to us even a hundred years ago. So we now have rights and are to be seen as “equals” to men… now what?

I’d like to reflect on history and begin to analyze where and why women began being treated in such a fashion. Hmmm… not to go far too much, lets start with Medieval times, and the Dark Ages- for they were fairly dark… especially for women. Women were seen as emotional creatures… something they are still seen as today. But I found the way they described the women of the time fascinating.

Women were easily swayed and tempted by the devil… They also were said to have insatiable sex drives and for this, were seen as evil and products of the devil. They were to remain virgins in order to preserve the name and honor of her family. She was to be humble, devout and motherly. Now this all ties into religion as well… because religion back then was EVERYTHING. If you disobeyed what had been written, you were most certainly going to be condemned to Hades.

This is what I think REALLY happened. Men… know now and forever, that PUSSY runs the world. Many of wars have been fought over just that- PUSSY! Women have power in their panties, and most women don’t even know of the power that they TRULY have. Pussy has the ability to make a man dumb as shit, it has the ability to make him want to spend all his money, it can make him become estranged from family and friends, it can make him KILL someone. Sorry to tell you, but that is how powerful pussy is… some men would do ANYTHING for it.

Now the reason why men go all gaga over pussy is because logically speaking… Men have a way harder time getting laid then women do. The men who have acquired “game” and those that look good enough to eat… need not apply- you guys get the pussy thrown at you…. But, for the everyday Joe, pussy is a quest… If you don’t believe me, think about it like this- the UGLIEST, FATTEST bitch in the world, would STILL get dick, before the UGLIEST man got some pussy. Why? Men are ALWAYS down to fuck something… and most niccas don’t give a shit- especially when now, you can officially blame it on the alcohol!

Now, when it comes to getting laid…. Women have NO problem. The only thing that holds women back is their NEED to have a mental/emotional connection with the person they’re sleeping with. Real talk though…. To all the bitches that BITCH and COMPLAIN they ain’t getting laid- LOOK AROUND BITCH! Pick one, any one you want, maybe some eye candy … and 9 out of 10 times… he’s down… Bitches, stop DEPRIVING yourself of dick, and LEARN to fuck and detach feelings when doing so. You’ll feel a lot better about yourself which equals confidence; besides, you’re a MEGA bitch when you ain’t getting laid!

That is a MAIN difference in sex when it comes to men and women. Women are mental and emotional, and men are visual and physical. Women, you need to know that YOU hold the power, and if you see something you like… There’s nothing wrong with sampling different cookies in the jar. Plus, it gives you more experience and when you’re married and 40, you won’t REGRET not fucking the shit outta that sexy man 20 yrs ago.

Back to the oppression of women back in time… So what I think happened, is some MAN figured out what I just explained. PUSSY IS POWER! He figured it out and said “Oh Shit! What we gunna do, women ain’t running shit”, Why? Because men are territorial and egotistical. And at that point in time, they would of rather died, than let a WOMAN tell them about religion, politics, family or anything that involved deeper thinking skills. And…. So began the oppression of women and the double-standards that we until today carry in society.

In order to keep the women of those times in “check” and obedient… what they did was tie in RELIGION! These women were scared to do or say anything for a long time, because they believed that in doing so, they were going to HELL! The men of these times can be summed up in two words- DOUCHE BAGS!

How has times changed? Eh, while women carry many rights today that our sisters failed to have so many years ago; women are still seen in an inferior light as opposed to men. We still carry many double-standards today that existed back then as well. Double-standards that were MADE by who? MEN!

It’s crazy how much the times have changed. Women are coming up in the world, but who knows if we will ever be TRULY seen as “equals”. This can not be blamed on just one sex though. Women and men alike have fair involvement in making it what it is today. Women…. Some of you play that damsel in distress card a little too much, we’re living in 2009- get independent bitch! Men… Some of you have the audacity to judge a women for things she has done sexually, but believe it is quite all right for men to fuck everything that walks! Until everyone learns to keep an open mind and be none judgmental… the world will cease to be this way and women will be oppressed.

Women… I must address you first on this one, because frankly if you didn’t know- WOMEN are the WORST ENEMIES of other WOMEN. Seriously, we are… and you hater ass bitches KNOW who you are deep inside. It’s crazy how women could plot so deviously against other women. And it’s ridiculous that women get MAD when they see another woman doing BETTER than she is.

If you see another woman out there doing good for herself, you should be HAPPY for her. She should serve as your MOTIVATION! Hey, if SHE can do it, then so can YOU! I’m so tired of bitches hating on other bitches. You have the EXACT SAME OPPORTUNITIES THAT I DO… If you don’t make it work out for yourself- that’s on you dumb ass. But don’t hate on me and mine when I’m doing better than you!

Next, is how green with ENVY a bitch will get when she sees that you have a “good” man. Of course she’ll compliment you two as a couple, but secretly, she plots to steal that “good” man for herself. You sniveling, conniving, desperate sewer RATS! Be happy that your friend has gotten herself a good man, and STOP trying to take what’s not yours. You bitches help contribute to the struggle that we, as women are in. You get NO RESPECT. And remember this you GREEDY BITCH- if he cheated WITH you, then he will cheat ON you. Don’t act all surprised when that shit happens, you set yourself up lovely for that one!

Which brings me to the bitches who fuck the men of other women. You bitches are despicable and are at the extreme bottom of the food chain. It is one thing to fuck a man who lied to you about a girlfriend and/or wife, that’s his fault- you didn’t know. Now when you find out… CUT IT OFF. Have some dignity and morals. To the leeches who KNOW that a man is in a relationship… You help contribute to cheating, the breaking of families, and more seriously the hate and jealousy that shadows all women. I’d like to take this moment to say- FUCK YOU! You have no morals, values or a conscience… You, get that “Scum of the Earth” classification.

Another thing, bitches… Stop being STUPID! If your man cheated on you… your beef is NOT with the tramp he cheated with. It is with him! Unless you know the bitch, then you can whip her ass on principle alone… but if you DO NOT know the female, leave her ass out of it. HE is the ENEMY, NOT HER! I see so many bitches fighting over niccas that ain’t worth a DIME, stop playing yourself! He ain’t Reggie Bush, Denzel or Usher… and even then you shouldn’t be fighting over a damn man. Stop letting MEN put women against each other… that’s what he wants, just so you’ll forget that HE’S THE ONE THAT CHEATED!

*sigh… Back to equality, one of the main reasons I believe that men DO NOT take women seriously is because BITCHES DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY REALLY WANT. Really though, women want to be seen as equals, yet at the same time want special consideration because why? She’s a woman. Make up your fucking minds… You can be equal and INDEPENDENT or you can be seen as the inferior damsel in distress… You can only chose one!

Enough about the catty bitches that roam the earth… on to the DOGS! Men, for as long as history tells… You have oppressed women and honestly, I don’t all the way blame you. Women ARE emotionally unstable creatures who don’t know what the hell they want- well, MOST of them. And yea, they may fuck important shit up, who knows. But, what I DO NOT agree with are the double-standards that have come from this oppression.

In early times, women would be killed by her father and/or brothers if she were found to not be a virgin before she was married. This was done to preserve the honor of her family. Ok, WTF is that about? Marriages were arranged, and husbands were “brought”. If you had money, you could buy your daughter a great husband. Women were not a part of her fathers inheritance, and they were almost invisible in a sense to society. They held no class, instead they were seen as whatever class their fathers or husbands were in.

For centuries, men held on tightly to the reins they had invisibly and secretively thrown over women. Women worked hard to tend their homes and first and foremost, bear and raise children. Now, although women have come a long way from these dark times, some things are still alive today. One thing in particular is the double-standard of sexual escapades.

It is the year 2009, why is it that forever, men have been able to fuck WHOEVER they want… and they can fuck as MANY women they want- yet, they are NOT seen as the whores that they are? Instead, they get a pat on the back because they’re “the man”. Honestly, the world needs to WAKE THE FUCK UP! If men can do it, so can women- and women are none the lesser for it. Women have wants and needs as well, and seriously, women want to fuck JUST AS MUCH as men do. They don’t though, because they don’t want to be seen as “whores, hoes, sluts, etc.”

This is a new century, and women need to come out of those shells and get THEIR FUCK ON! There’s nothing wrong with casual sex. There is nothing wrong with fucking more than a fixed amount of men. You only get one life and you should live it to the fullest. Wild the fuck out, before you run off, get married and end up a desperate housewife. When you look back, you should say “wow, I had fun” not “damn, I should of done that when I had the chance”. Most women get hung up on emotions and sex, but IT IS possible to have emotionless sex. Get with the times bitches!

Now, I’m NOT saying to go fuck every man you see. What I AM saying though is, if you REALLY want to fuck… What other people may think of you, should not be a factor. There are differences between a SEXUALLY LIBERATED woman, and a HOE! A sexually liberated woman knows the following things:

- Some sexual acts are intimate and should only be done with those special to your heart. So, sucking off every nicca on the block… is a hoeish activity.
- When you fuck two men within the same social circle, they WILL talk about your ass. So… fucking two brothers, cousins, best friends or participating in a free for all train… is a hoeish activity.
-There are hundreds of diseases in this world and sex should be done SAFELY. So, fucking and sucking raw… is a hoeish activity.
- A sexually liberated woman is confidant and knows she can get any man, and doesn’t want the ones that are already taken- even if they want her. Fucking another woman’s man is not just CLASSLESS… it is a hoeish activity.

Hmmm… Some women REALLY are hoes and they conduct themselves as much. But there are other women who just enjoy indulging in sex, and lots of it. These women should not be seen as “hoes”, when in all actuality, they are not committing any “hoeish” crimes. They just want to experience new things and people… and they SHOULD NOT be treated as the nasty, devious RATS that are REAL hoes.

Men’s main argument with why women shouldn’t have as many sexual partners is this… “Your pussy is going to be all loose”. Well, I’d like to yell BULLSHIT! The vagina is a WONDROUS invention, for you see, it is like pure ELASTIC. Women have the ability to push out something 10 cm. and above in diameter and guess what? The pussy SNAPS back to its original form. Seriously, if a bitch can push out babies and NOT be loose… I HIGHLY DOUBT some dick is going to knock the walls off that shit.

Blah… This has proven to be a lot longer than I thought it would be, so I’m a wrap this shit up. Women, we have come a long way and have fought for RIGHTS. Women protested, burned bras and FOUGHT for us to be seen as EQUALS. But seriously, bitches are FREMENEMIES to other bitches. STOP HATIN and stop letting men RUN YOUR SHIT!

It is 2009, ain’t nothing wrong with FUCKIN and enjoying sex… as long as you ain’t participating in HOEISH activities. Lastly, HOW can you expect MEN to treat us as EQUALS when we ourselves can’t treat each other with RESPECT! Men… KNOW that there is a DIFFERENCE between a sexually liberated woman and a hoe. And real talk, most of you can’t talk shit anyways, because in all actuality, you are the one who is a HOE. And lastly, if you REALLY think women’s pussies stretch out the more men they fuck- you’re a DE-DE-DE! Granted, like dicks, vaginal canals come in all shapes and sizes… But chances are if she can push out something as big as 10 cm. and it STILL snap back… NO amount of dick can do damage… And, did it ever occur to you that she’s not really loose? Maybe, you’re just REALLY small… Whomp, Whomp…

Until next time kiddies….

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